Target Case Management - is a service that assists recipients to gain access to necessary care: medical, behaviorial, social, and other services appropriate to their needs. Case management is individualized, per-son centered, empowering, comprehensive, strengths-based, and outcome-focused. This service is for ages 3 and older. |
Comprehensive Clinical Assessment - Clinical/functional evaluation to determine need for Enhanced Services. |
Intensive In-home Services - A time-limited intensive family preservation intervention intended to stabilize the living arrangement, promote reunification or prevent the utilization of out-of-home therapeutic resources for the identified youth through the age of 20.
Day Treatment - A multi-faceted mental health service with varying levels of intensity for individuals not requiring inpatient hospitalization. Treatment focuses on enhancing interpersonal relationships, communications skills, anger management, etc.
HIV Case Management - A client-focused strategy that provides medically necessary services to enhance recipients’ health status and level of functioning, and promotes cost effectiveness. It is designed to empower clients through education, referrals and facilitating access to care, assisting clients to gain the tools needed to be their own advocates and navigate the health care and social services systems to improve health outcomes.
Therapeutic Home Services – A specialized program in which children with special emotional, behavioral, or psychological needs (i.e., who are unable to live with their birth family for variety of reasons) are placed with specially trained foster parent(s) who provide family-based treatment to help the child learn and develop new skills and coping strategies to live successfully in a family, community-based setting. The children often require more intensive supervision, counseling and support than a child typically placed in a regular foster home setting.
Residential Treatment - Level III - Provides day to day support for consumers in the home, with qualfied staff members. Staff members are trained in behavioral management, gang awareness, substance abuse, and non-crisis intervention.
24 Hour Supervision - Each consumer will be monitored 24 hours a day and transported to any assigned appointments.
In House Substance Abuse Groups - Quality Care Solutions, Inc. has a certified substance abuse counselor which conducts weekly group meetings with the family and the consumer in the home. For the 1st and 3rd Substance Abuse Groups. Please refer to Quality Care Solutions, Inc. Parent Handbook.
Monthly Treatment Team Meetings - Quality Care Solutions, Inc. will stay in contact with the team and will give the treatment team a full report on their child's progress or regress. Each treatment meeting can include a monthly report, independent rating form, and a school summary.
Therapeutic Recreational Activities - Each consumer will be enrolled in a year-round program in which they will be able to enjoy swimming, basketball, tennis, and array of summer camps.
Certified Teacher - On Staff - Quality Care Solutions, Inc. has certified teachers on staff that monitor consumer's homework/classwork year-round. Each teacher conducts educational sessions during the summer to keep consumers mind sharp.
Individual In House Therapy - Quality Care Solutions, Inc. is in collaboration with qualified therapists who provide assessments, evaluations and weekly counseling sessions all in-house. Each therapist will provide adequate documentation and present the information to the team, and guardian.
Independent Living Programs - This program is designed for older consumers who are in need of more intense services, to make it on their own in today's society. We have a tracking form that evaluates the consumer's progress/ regress while the staff walks him through the steps of contacting employers, dressing appropriately, speaking clearly, and knowing how to maintain a job. This also includes balancing checkbooks, finding apartments, knowing about credit, and much more.